Markus Thill

Affiliations. Data Scientist. Karlsruhe/Germany.


Hi there! I’m Markus, a Data Scientist at Atruvia AG. With a background in computer engineering (B.Sc.) and Automation & IT (M.Eng.), I’m passionate about the intersection of machine learning, mathematics, and programming. In my professional role, I delve into data to uncover insights and drive innovation.

I have a particular interest in machine learning approaches, especially in the fields of time series analysis, anomaly detection, Reinforcement Learning (RL) (such as in board games), Deep Learning (DL), and incremental learning procedures. Recently, I received my doctoral certificate from Leiden University for my work titled “Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Multivariate Time Series Prediction and Anomaly Detection”. This marked a final milestone in my academic journey, and since then, I’ve transitioned into the industry. During my tenure as a research associate at TH Köln, I presented a total of eight peer-reviewed publications at various international research conferences.

Outside of work, I find joy in simple pleasures like flying drones and occasionally solving small mathematical riddles on Continuously learning and exploring new concepts in data science and mathematics keeps me motivated and engaged.


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selected publications

  1. ASoC
    Temporal convolutional autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection in time series
    Markus Thill , Wolfgang Konen , Hao Wang , and 1 more author
    Applied Soft Computing (ASoC), 2021
  2. ITAT
    Anomaly Detection in Electrocardiogram Readings with Stacked LSTM Networks
    Markus Thill , Sina Däubner , Wolfgang Konen , and 1 more author
    In Proc. 19th Conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (ITAT 2019) , 2019
    Best Paper Award
  3. PPSN
    Reinforcement learning with n-tuples on the game Connect-4
    Markus Thill , Patrick Koch , and Wolfgang Konen
    In PPSN’2012: 12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, Taormina , 2012