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Efficient Computation of Sparse Fibonacci Subsequences
The Fibonacci sequence is a cornerstone of mathematics, defined by its elegant recurrence relation. While traditionally computed iteratively or recursively, obtaining specific terms like the 1000th or 2000th number seems to require calculating all preceding terms. But is this really necessary? In this post, we explore a powerful technique to compute arbitrary Fibonacci terms directly — bypassing the need for sequential computation. We’ll also tackle an exciting challenge: efficiently finding one thousand Fibonacci numbers modulo a given value, corresponding to every 10th prime greater than a trillion.
Don't Drink and Derive: A Simple Proof that 1 = 2
In this blog post, we present a fun little proof that 1 is actually equal to 2. Or is it?
CUDA Basics: Decoding DTMF Signals
Discover the fundamentals of CUDA programming through a dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling example. Learn how to generate DTMF signals, save them as .wav files, design FIR bandpass filters, and decode dialed keys. This project includes a CUDA/C++ implementation (dtmfCuda.cu) to showcase the power of parallel computing for signal processing.
A few Bit-Twiddling Tricks
When working with bit-fields, there are several techniques that can significantly speed up code — beyond the inherent performance benefits that bit-fields provide for many problems. In this post, I will introduce a few bit-twiddling tricks that I occasionally use, which can be useful for a variety of tasks.
The Monkey and Coconut Problem
Three sailors and a monkey are stranded on a deserted island. They gather a pile of coconuts to divide the next morning. During the night, each sailor wakes up, divides the pile into three parts, gives the extra coconut to the monkey, hides his share, and restacks the remaining coconuts. In the morning, the remaining coconuts are again divided into three parts, with one coconut left over, which is given to the monkey. The question is: how many coconuts were originally in the pile?